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Financial Planning


For disordered gamblers putting up as many blockers as possible is advised. From self-exclusion both online and offline, through to putting up direct blockers on your bank account. 

Whilst not all banks give you the option of a gambling block, many of them now offer this service. By activating this on your account your bank will decline all payments directly linked to gambling. Monzo are pioneers of such functionality and it was made available to their customers back in June 2018.​

Creating financial barriers is really important and Monzo has plenty of different features and functions that enable the user to do this. Co-host of the All Bets Are Off podcast Chris Gilham featured in an article with them in April 2020 (click here to view) in which he discussed his recovery journey in great detail and explained the very reasons as to why he uses Monzo and why he would happily recommend them to any gambling addict in recovery.


Step Change offer the widest range of debt solution, to help you no matter what you’re dealing with. Here you are able to get free, confidential and expert debt advice online or over the phone.


Debt Advice Foundation is a registered national debt advice and education charity offering free, confidential support and advice to anyone worried about loans, credit and debt. Because they are a debt charity, you can be sure that the advice that they provide is impartial and based solely on what is best for you.


National Debtline is a charity that give free and independent advice over the phone and online. For your convenience they have a budgeting tool on the website.

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